Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's been 2 years!

Hello there! It's been a long while. How are you doing? I am doing great! Shows, change, and more!
Keep up with me at Yahaloma.com. I will be posting here more often. Post you soon. LOL

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It a journey!

It has been a while since I have logged in. First of all they changed everything, so I didn't know how. LOL Don't laugh, and then time has passed by with very little time to spare.
I am so blessed to be here in this situation at this time. Hard work does pay off, however, it was not the hard work that got me here, it was YAH!
One can work their entire life and never get where they want to be, but with YAH all things are possible. Some may call it something else, but I know the truth, and I am here because this is where HE wants me.
Blessings are surely flowing, and I am so happy to be on the receiving end.
I will keep praying and thanking.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


This is just one big roller coaster ride for sure! I have been up and down for the last few weeks, however I have learned a valuable lesson. Never let anyone have control over your emotions that it makes you doubt yourself and your self worth. I won't allow that any longer. Yes I am friendly and will remain so, but I am not a yoyo I am YaYa, LOL. So I move right along.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Learning everyday

I am learning everyday! This is no joke. Learning how to manage my thoughts, feelings, opinions, and how to deliver the way I feel about things. I don't always do it well, but I am getting better. I am also learning that no matter how cautious you may approach things, it may not be enough to the one on the other end of the matter. In these instances I am the type that loves to get the matter resolved quickly, lots of times it's just a misunderstanding, but sometimes it's just a hard pill to swallow. Whatever the case, I don't like things to simmer until it gets out of hand, or can not be resolved in a calm and thoughtful manner.
There are so many different personalities in show business that it can be overbearing, but I am learning that some people don't want your opinion, your truth, the truth, etc. they just want things to go their way. I understand that now, so I am adjusting. Not so much as to what they want, just understanding that that is the way they are and I can't change that.
I am having a ball, but I am also working very hard to get better, which involves working harder. As far as pleasing everyone, that is out the door, I am not going to try, I am just going to please my Father in Heaven, and work hard on being humble and getting my parts down.
Signed ~ Yaya

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It is what it is.

I think the title of this blog says it all. It is what it is, and there is nothing else that it can be at this moment. ~ Signed Yaya


It's very easy to get side tracked in this industry. To start believing that you are all that and a bag of chips is not far fetched either, LOL. I am focused on keeping humble, teachable, and diligent. Will that be easy? No, especially with everyone around you telling you you are great, awesome, etc., but one must always know that you will never really technically arrive.
Knowing this will get you very far and keep your reputation clean, and that is one of my goals. I am confident in what I can do, and in what I can't. This is my form of speaking with someone, pathetic but true, so I won't get to deep into the personal emotional aspects of rising to the top, but I am certainly on my way there.
Signed ~ Yaya