I am learning everyday! This is no joke. Learning how to manage my thoughts, feelings, opinions, and how to deliver the way I feel about things. I don't always do it well, but I am getting better. I am also learning that no matter how cautious you may approach things, it may not be enough to the one on the other end of the matter. In these instances I am the type that loves to get the matter resolved quickly, lots of times it's just a misunderstanding, but sometimes it's just a hard pill to swallow. Whatever the case, I don't like things to simmer until it gets out of hand, or can not be resolved in a calm and thoughtful manner.
There are so many different personalities in show business that it can be overbearing, but I am learning that some people don't want your opinion, your truth, the truth, etc. they just want things to go their way. I understand that now, so I am adjusting. Not so much as to what they want, just understanding that that is the way they are and I can't change that.
I am having a ball, but I am also working very hard to get better, which involves working harder. As far as pleasing everyone, that is out the door, I am not going to try, I am just going to please my Father in Heaven, and work hard on being humble and getting my parts down.
Signed ~ Yaya
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